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Testimonials - Family Member

Anonymous testimonials:

  • Amy shared from her heart. I enjoyed that very much.

  • Amy, great  mix of personal experience and professional information.
  • Thanks to Amy I’ve gained a better understanding of how to support my family member who is a brain injury survivor.
  • Thank you Amy – a great refresher in reminding me of useful tools to make life at home better.

  • This was the best session of the day – thanks Amy.

  • Thank you Amy for helping me to start thinking creatively on how to help my survivor.

  • Thank you Amy for giving me information pertinent to a new caregiver.

  • It's always good to hear real life, first-hand experiences. Thank you Amy!
  • Amy, you’re a great motivational speaker.

  • I think this was the best session ever. I understand and have learned new things because of you guys. Thank you Chris and Amy.

  • Inspirational, motivating, and so informative. Thanks Chris and Amy

  • This session was wonderful. Chris and Amy answered every question positively, insightfully, and honestly to help others. Great job.

  • I relate to everything Chris and Amy shared in their relationship session. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions with openness and even with some humor!

  • It's helpful to connect with other couples with similar issues. Great to see a couple leading the session who has direct experience.

  • Excellent tips and strategies Chris and Amy!
  • Chris and Amy, Your presentation has helped me understand my emotions and their impact on my behavior. It has also helped me think about strategies to avoid  reaching my boiling point such as developing a cue word  and visualization to help calm down.
  • Chris and Amy, your presentation has helped me understand how I can use  cues to help my husband manage his behavior when in challenging environments and situations
  • Chris and Amy, your presentation will help me in my relationship with my brother, who has a TBI

Anonymous Testimonials from “Mindfulness for Family Members and Caregivers of Brain Injury Survivors”:

  • What participants like most about the presentation:
    • The guided meditation was very calming. Good tone and pace.
    • Chris’s experience and voice… incredible presentation!
    • Reminding me to be aware and give myself permission to take care of myself.
    • Sharing relaxation strategies.


  • Participants  “Take-aways”  from presentation:
    • Don’t react immediately. React to resolve!
    • Be Mindful, even if my mind is full.
    • How can I get a recording of Chris’s voce to help me relax?
    • Finding time each day to relax, de-stress and practice mindfulness.

    Anonymous Testimonials:
    Conference Session Title: “Mindfulness for Family Members and Caregivers of Brain Injury Survivors”

    How will this session help you:

  • Helped me develop strategies in my relationship with my husband(survivor) to better understand him and work together
  • How to use coping strategies to assist my husband
    To understand how to help loved ones, friends, and people in general to: cope with , survive, and modify behavior in order to improve their relationships. Thank you -great job Chris and Amy
  • Increased my understanding on how to be more patient with my wife(brain injury survivor)
  • Reminded me to be more patient and understanding
  • This session helped me know that I am not alone and that others have similar challenges