Coaching & Consultation
Training & Education
Motivational Speakers

“Life Re-Defined - The Healing Power of Love and Relationships”
Relationships are not easy to maintain, especially when a life changing event derails “Life as you know it.”  During this inspiring keynote presentation Chris and Amy will openly share how a serious brain Chris sustained in 1999 short circuited the life path this couple was on, and candidly talk about the challenges they faced in their relationship adjusting to this life long, life changing event. They will also share personal insights and teachings that have helped them overcome this life altering event  and move forward together  renewing a sense of purpose and redefining their lives as a couple.
Chris and Amy will also be open to a brief Q and A session from attendees at the conclusion of their presentation, time permitting, or be available for a break out discussion group session later in the conference day.

Wallowing Through The Muck: Discovering Joy and Meaning After Loss
This keynote speech will outline the Dave’s progression from his raw pain of early grief following the death his 18 year old daughter Jeannine to learning to live with joy, sadness and peace. Tools for transforming your pain such as incorporating ritual and ceremony, utilizing the teachings of nature and animals and discovering the connections in signs from your loved ones will also be discussed. Dave will also be open to a brief Q and A session from attendees at the conclusion of his presentation, time permitting, or be available for a break out discussion group session later in the conference day.

The Evolution of Grief
There are many creative expressions of grief that assist individuals who have experienced loss due to death or other transitions in adjusting to their forever changed worlds. Music is one of them. Dave will outline his progression from early grief to the present, using song titles and lyrics to highlight each chapter of his grief journey, following the death of his 18 year old daughter Jeannine. He will also share compelling insights and teachings that have helped him in his personal transformation during his journey.